Fallen in Love With 2 Persons
picture from: http://kagenobunshin.blogspot.com/
Well, there is definitely nothing wrong with that. What to say, we are human after all, creature of great emotions. There is no way we can stop that very love chemical from producing and pumping within us. It is just very natural for one to develop a liking for another opposite sex especially when they are just physically attractive in appearance too.And not to mention that when the both are also getting along very well with one another?
In our interactions with one another, there just couldn't be only one but many others opposite sex whom we would meet. And very often, we would just develop a liking for some of them, sometimes even more than just two. That is life. Life is just full of choices. But then again, what is the meaning of choice?
Very simple, it means having to make a decision over which to choose and in this case whom to be choosing, choosing the one whom you are going to love. Yup, there is nothing wrong with fallen in love with more than one person as long as at the end of the day, you make your choice. And to be able to truly experience some real love, you have to.
Yes, it is only when you are physically into a real relationship will you be able to then acquire and truly experience that real joyfulness and sweetness of being in love.
Even a child understands this. Recall your childhood. I should believe that you have experienced wanting just everything when you were at the toy store. Everything just seem so fascinating to you then, wasn't it? So you cried and bet for your mum and dad to buy them for you.
And very often, you are only given the choice of choosing only one. But you refused the offer and continue to cry hoping you would be able to just get everything.
And what happened in the end? You ended up with nothing at all.
Well, we can't of course deny that facts that some lucky kids may get more than just one of what they beg for. But at the end of the day, for all of the toys they have got, he or she would eventually like one of them best, isn't it?
If as a kid back then, you were able to make that decision over which toys to choose, why is it you can't now? Not able to make up your mind over whom to choose? Think about it. You certainly want to be able to experience some great and just fantastic love, don't you? Remember, you can't have the best of the both worlds and that is for sure. Just like choosing your toys, you have to make that decision over whom to choose and only then will you have the chance to get to enjoy that wonderfulness of being in love.
Believe me, things may seem great and wonderful at first having the companionship of more than just one. But it is just all of a short-term happiness. At the end of the day, the one losing out is going to be only you yourself. You will just probably end up with nothing at all, back to loneliness just once again.
If you are not able to control your feeling well, you may unknowingly found yourself falling into the region of lust, hurting someone whom may very possibly be liking you too. I am sure this is something you wouldn't want, right? Now, follow where your heart goes.
Between the both, there will definitely be one whom you will like more. Just give yourself some time…
Remember, the longer you drag this things, the worse will the situation become.
And in the end, you might not only be hurting those who truly love you but also yourself too. When you have to choose, you just have to. Having choices is always better than having none at all, isn't it?
Now, not many may be as fortunate as you. So, don't lose that chance when you have it. Work things the smart way. Learn to cherish what you have…
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